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The development of that app idea I had was weighing on my mind, to be honest it felt like it was hitting a dead end and even I wasn't really believing in it anymore- I couldn't see it competing with Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn etc. It didn't have a really unique hook to make people want to use it. But now I'm further along the road, ands its evolved.

Still the same idea, still the same end user but now its executed and sold differently.

Rather than making it an app to offer to students- I could offer create a tech platform to offer universities that will ultimately benefit the students and have them use it.

The platform can still be downloaded as an app, but that is secondary to the central website/ platform.

However on this platform, each university has an account which the students log into if they want to look at things related specifically to their uni. The univeristy is part of a community of universities who all have pages/ accounts on the system, where the course and class information and pages are private but students can be searched up and connected with. Students have the opportunity to meet and connect with people from a whole range of universities e.g. the taco's and drinks on Tuesday group can post an open invite to a lot more people.

Students create a personal account when they enroll in the university. Their account is still the same as the other app idea I had, with personal interests, skills, examples of past work/ achievements, their university - they can link Instagram/ LinkedIn/ Facebook which the platform will draw information from e.g. past experience, photos.

Using this account, students log into their university account/ page where they can see which classes they are enrolled in, who is in their class, which other people have done that class previously. There can be group chat or page options for each class/ lecture unit for people to discuss and ask questions as well as a Direct Messaging feature. For example, there could be an Accounting Year 1 Page, or a Foundations of Marketing Page with subsections showing the current classes and the option for a group chat/ page for the individual classes or one for the whole of Foundations of Marketing with everyone in it.

The students can see the profiles of other students in universities around them or on the system, screened through specific courses, interests or skills. There will be a direct messaging feature, or students can message/ connect through their linked social media.

There are three main sections/ purposes of the system

University- the pages for students within their uni or classes

Social- where students can see what events are on near them that are being hosted by other students or local venues e.g. nights out, study days, bowling, beach day, anything. It could either be like Facebook with an "events" feature or it could link to Facebook and import event information. It could provide information for university student friendly venues e.g. cheap prices, deals, discounts.

Career- where businesses/ startups/ organisations looking for employees, volunteers, interns or specifically uni students to help / work. That way businesses and organisations have a direct method of advertising and communicating to students, accessing a wide, direct network.

Revenue Streams?

  • Selling to Universities

  • Job/ internship advertising space

  • Uni Student ad space

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