Helloooooo!! This blog is a sort of follow on from my previous one, 'The Power of Fear', explaining where the idea for the blog post came from and some cool backstory.
The full realisation that 'I am afraid' only really crystallised itself to me yesterday in the car on the way to my grandparents house. I had decided to not listen to music for once, and just let my thoughts wander. I began reflecting/ thinking about a band I had gone to see perform the week before. The back story to how I got to that gig in the first place is awesome, and is one of the favourite stories from my life so far.
About 4 months ago, on the 5th of March (wow that seems like so long ago), I was on the train back home from college, a 2 hour trip. Where I get on at Central Station, there is no seating room, so I usually have to stand for the first half an hour to 45 mins of the trip. There I was, standing on the corner next to the doors listening to some music when four girls board the train lugging several heavy cases with them. They were instruments- electric guitar, bass guitars, drums, a key board. They took up almost the whole standing space. I didn't think too much of it, just moved out of their way.
I can't remember exactly how it started but we all ended up chatting- the girls, myself and another random guy who was in the carriage as well. They were a band called Dulcie from Perth, Western Australia. The furthest away you can get in Australia from where I live. The conversation was awesome, talking about their band, the local area, and just everything really. Just one of those free flowing conversations that is so unexpected but awesome it just keeps going. We were told off multiple times by other passengers for being too loud (oops).
Turns out they had a gig in two nights at a little bar/ gig place in Wollongong called Rad Bar and they invited me along. Now, their music is usually definitely NOT my typical listening choice, and I debated whether to go or not. I would miss out on training and a good nights sleep but in the end I thought fuck it, why not eh?
That night was one of the funnest and most different nights of my life. The band was amazing, the vibe in that little bar was so unique and different to what I am used to, it served to expand my collection of experiences and view of the world. I even met their mums, who had flown out from WA to see them perform. We had a great night, then sadly it was time to say our goodbyes, as they were heading back up to Sydney the next day to perform again.I ended up going out on the town afterwards where I became mates with another dude who was going solo, a skydiving instructor.
ANYWAY. Four months later. I'm just at home doing some university work on a Thursday ( usually my rest day from work and uni for the week), when I get a message. It was Timieka, one of the girls from the band, messaging to say that they were back in town that night performing. If I wanted to come, they could get me free entry.
I had a little bit of a complex. I had already had my day all structured and organised. I was going to do university work, then work for a couple of hours, then go to training in the evening. Then a good nights rest and then a full day of work at a confectionary factory the next day. Should I stick to my plan? The organised day I had? I was more than tempted to. But then I thought about the future. About how this was one of those times to say YES. One of those times to strengthen and create a new, unique story and experience. All with one word- YES.
If I had said no, I know now that I would have been looking back on it in a week saying what if... Could I have... I wish...
I would have regretted it.
I went, and it was one of the best nights I have had this year so far. Seeing them perform, hanging out with them, laughing, chatting, vibing. It was made even more special by the spontaneity of it all. The whole time I was sort of in disbelief that I was actually there, rather than training or eating dinner at home. But thats where the magic came from. Now I have an amazing story to tell from it, and a special set of memories. All from the word YES. Yes four months ago, Yes a week ago.
There's a group on friends on Youtube called Yes Theory that embody this idea and even more. They live their lives with a few core beliefs:
That strangers are only friends we haven't met
To fully get the most out of our lives and ourselves, we must "Seek Discomfort" and lean into fear
We all need to let go a little and open our minds to new experiences, opportunities. We need to free our minds and lives from the 'norm' of society and the status quo- we need to say YES a little more.
If you've liked this post at all, check them out ASAP. NOW. Just go and do it. PLEASE. They are some of the most authentic people on the internet. Their videos are literal magic.
Thanks for reading fam. Until next time, keep moving forward.
Something Small
The comfort of being inside your home while a storm rages
Inside, you feel untouchable
Yet strangely vulnerable
Wind whips
Rain ravishes
Yet in your little bubble, the air is still.